After five nekos are found guitly for a major hiest they are sentenced to Earth where they must hide themselves among humans.
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ceh12 - Member for 0 years
Guess I'll join this one, too, since Mint's on a temporary silent period; I'll see if I can't make one for the Stealth slot.
Homo sui generis
Yes, I do count running around in a towel-cape acting like a superhero or throwing acorns at squirrels thinking they're Pok?mon as roleplaying. Damn squirrels.
TornZero - Member for 1 years
May I take the leader neko, plz?
Mat_z6 - Member for 1 years
yup yup yup yup yup yup yup
ceh12 - Member for 0 years
Alright, I sent in the sheet for my character.
TornZero - Member for 1 years
Okay well a few problems
1 Nekos don't ever go to Earth under any cirumstances
2 What do you mean by " even getting a few friends to help her make a convincing pair of cat ears and a tail, among a myriad of costumes." I don't know what to make of it sorry can you please explain
ceh12 - Member for 0 years
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