Friday, September 30, 2011

Tinnitus - What Is It And How To Reduce It

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There is a constant hissing or ringing sound that never stops. The ringing, hissing or swishing sound is called tinnitus and seems to be in the ears and certainly is in the head. The cause of it seems to be part of a hearing impairment process, which can be attributed to problems with the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear or even anomalies in the brain.

Although it is considered normal, in some cases, to have ringing in the ears is also very annoying. More than 35 million Americans would love to find a cure for this inner noise that is constant and increasingly apparent over time. Typically it is a symptom of another condition, which can eventually resolve. However, in some rare cases tinnitus could indicate a more serious problem.

Congestion from fluids, a foreign object or earwax can cause more awareness of the sound called tinnitus. If there is a middle ear infection, congestion from allergies, cold virus or similar causes, the sound of the ringing will increase.

If there is damage to the hair like nerve endings of the inner ear, there is tinnitus. Advanced hearing loss from aging with nerve impairment is also one of the tinnitus causes. Studies also attribute tinnitus to the results of loud noise exposure, resulting in hearing loss.

Those who work or expose themselves to loud noises often are advised to wear ear plugs or protect their ears from these sounds. Listening to loud music constantly can eventually result in ringing in the ears due to nerve damage and hearing loss.

It would be wonderful if there was a tinnitus treatment for ringing in the ears. Although there is not yet a complete cure for this sometimes annoying condition, there are methods to aid in coping with it. After a physician evaluates the condition, there are several options available depending on how mild or severe the case is.

Hearing aids are prescribed. There is counseling to help patients cope with the problem. This tinnitus treatment involves assisting patients learn how to think through the problem as well as how to react to the sounds. Another tinnitus treatment is a wearable sound generator which is fit to the ear and propagates a soft sound to mask the ringing.

If the ringing is annoying enough to cause problems in falling asleep, there are tabletop sound generators available to assist the patient in falling asleep through relaxation. The device can be set to produce rain fall sounds, waves on the shore, waterfall sounds and night time sounds of summer. These sounds will mask the ringing and allow sleep.

Niacin supplements have been found to help. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs have also been prescribed for tinnitus treatment. There are also cochlear implants used for severe hearing loss and ringing in the ears.

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